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Save up to $444 with a NASA Federal Credit Union Boat loan1

NASA Federal Credit Union's rate for a $50,000 Boat loan beats the National average by up to 4% and is eligible for a Datatrac Great Rate Award and saving you as much as $444 over the life of the loan.

Datatrac Great Rate Award
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NASA Federal Credit Union - New Boat-60 Mo 7.84% APR2
National Market Average - New Boat-60 Mo 8.15% APR2

About Datatrac

Datatrac is an independent, unbiased research firm that has monitored deposit and loan rates, fees and product features for over 25 years on more than 314,530 financial institutions locations in America. Datatrac Great Rate Awards certify that deposit and loan rates outperform the market average for comparable products.

  1. $444 is the difference between the amount paid in interest between NASA Federal Credit Union's rate at 7.84% APR compared to 8.15% APR for the National market average over the life of a $50,000 Boat loan over 60 months.
  2. APR=Annual Percentage Rate. Datatrac’s comprehensive, unbiased research and analysis is updated each business day and is conducted independent of any financial institution.  There is no guarantee that you will receive the rates or terms displayed herein. Actual rates and terms are in the full discretion of the financial institution and are subject to your credit rating and other factors. Please contact NASA Federal Credit Union directly with any questions regarding their current rates and terms.