California Community Credit Union money market rates are up to 51% better than the average earning a Datatrac Great Rate Award.
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Datatrac takes the guesswork out of shopping for your next money market. We are an independent, unbiased research company that has been comparing banking products for over 25 years. Our database of 1,648,658,012 deposit and loan rates is updated daily with the most current rates for nearly every bank and credit union in America, including those right in your backyard. We look at each bank's rates, fees and all the fine print to make sure we are comparing apples to apples. Then we do the math. We compute the savings to help you make the best decision. We stay with you until you find a loan that earns you more money.
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When you see a Datatrac Great Rate Award, it means you will save money. Why? Because the rate beats the competition. Datatrac ranks deposit and loan products for financial institutions. When a product outperforms the market average, it is given a Datatrac Great Rate Award® to certify its competitiveness.
For Financial InstitutionsClick Here to see if your institution is a winner
The information on this website (the "Information") is being provided by Datatrac Corporation ("Datatrac") to allow consumers to compare interest rate data for different products from financial institutions in order to find a deposit or loan. The Information may not be otherwise used, quoted, downloaded, scraped, sorted, or exported without the express written consent of Datatrac. Any such unauthorized use is strictly prohibited.
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